Now that we have done so much research and learning around propaganda, let's put it to use. We spent two class periods looking at ads from the 2010 Superbowl and filling in a chart that indicated:
(The ads are separated by game quarters. You will need to navigate amongst them to find the ads we worked with.)
Ad Name Audience Purpose Message Style of Propaganda
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dorito Dog
Play Nice
Clydesdale Friend
Betty White Snickers
Doritos: Weight Room
Doritos: Miracle
Hyundai New Car
Cars: Growing Up
Simpson's Coke
Rude Flowers
E Trade: Jealous Girlfriend
Google Paris
Flo TV: My Generation
Vizio: Beyonce'
We also viewed the "Dead Parrot Sketch" by Monty Phython on you tube and talked about euphemisms.