In an effort to help me know about you, I'd like you to write a letter that has the following information:
Dear Mrs. Welshon,
1st Paragraph – Tell me about yourself . Tell me interesting stuff about you. What is cool about you? What are some things you are proud of? How do you hope people see you? What are some of your goals you hold for yourself?
2nd Paragraph – Tell me how you feel about English class. Do you like it, or not? What do you hope to learn in this class (be specific here, “I want to write better” is too unspecific to be useful.) What are your strengths and weaknesses as a student of English?
3rd Paragraph – What subject do you like the best in school? How can I best help you if you begin to fall behind in class?
4th Paragraph – Anything else you thing I should know about you?
Your name goes here
Period ___________